Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Thoughts about Courage.

When we think of Courage, we typically think of Heroes from books and movies.
But we're not so deluded that we don't realize that normal people can be, and sometimes are Courageous.  I've been thinking about this point because like many people who has faced very tough times, I've had this term applied to me as well, and left me puzzled.

My curiosity got me thinking about unpacking this further.  What makes facing pain, fear or life-risk courageous?  Just because we do?  During the tough time in my life, I never once thought I was being courageous, I just felt that I had to do what I had to do in order to make it through that time.  It eventually came into focus for me, and I realized why we get called courageous in those bad times and what courage really is.  Its the ability to face the truth.  Unwavering and unapologetic in our stance to stand up and face the consequences.

When a fireman goes into that burning building to look for someone who might still be alive.  They are faced with truths that are too scary to most people.  The building could collapse on them, they could succumb to the heat and pass out and much more, but they still push through looking for a glimmer of life to help.  That's where the courage is, facing the truth that they could die in a second, and they face that truth head on and end up with a truly heroic outcome of saving a life.
When someone is critically ill or injured.  The physical pain and suffering they feel is so immense, it's actually easier to give up.  But if they are able to accept the truth, if they do nothing they'll die, they push to live on, now matter how long and hard the road back may be.  The truth of the people in their life loving them, encouraging and supporting them, give them energy and strength.

When we are faced with the truth of a bad situation and accept it and stand up to it, we bring out the courage needed to overcome and triumph.  We get a "second wind" so to speak, and it gives us a strength we never knew existed in us.  When we speak the truth, carefully, not callously or maliciously, we move towards an outcome that's good.  When we can acknowledge the truth that our own thought processes and actions is what led us to the situation we're in, we can adjust our minds to work better.

Courage is in facing the truth of the world, all of the mean and nasty things in it.  But working hard on our ourselves so we can enjoy all of the goodness it has to offer as well.  We all have courage in us, even if it seems sometimes, that it's nowhere to be found.  For some, it comes out like water from a faucet, for others it comes out like ketchup.  Where it clogs and bottle necks, but if we muster up the strength and give ourselves the proverbial whack on the back, it'll come out in abundance.

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